Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mission 1: New Years Resolution

I'm Chris, a grad student in Hawai'i, tomorrow begins my new year's resolution: no meat (fish is okay) for 6 months. To many, this doesn't seem like too hard of a challenge and maybe even nonsensical. There are a few reasons why I made this my resolution: I want to lose weight, and I know I don't eat the healthy meats, I feel bad for factory farmed animals, a detox (so many chemicals in animals), and it just gives me something to do. The point of this blog is two-fold. One, it might keep me on track and help people with their diets, and two, for the food lovers out there, I will keep posted all the dishes I cook, restaurants I go to, and dishes I order. I don't think veggie/fish dishes necessarily have to be bad. So why not share some personal creations with other people who wish to do the same! I will do my best to eat organic. Though, being a grad student, my funds may limit my ability to eat strictly organic foods.

Anyways, I will do my best to put my creations online and even keep track of how my weight fluctuates with the foods I'm eating. However, I am not purely going to go on this "diet", I am going to hopefully be working out and drinking protein shakes to ensure I am getting enough protein. Hopefully tomorrow I will have my first dish up and posted!

Mahalo, from Honolulu!

1 comment:

  1. Crisy, my sweeeeeet amigoooo- you are amazing.
    I am indeed wishing you luck and your dedication is simply impecable! keep on it :)
